Sunday, August 14, 2011

Food, self-love and trust

Hey sweet, lovely people! Since my last couple posts have mostly been photos of my recent gallivanting around shows and festivals, I thought I would share with you what's been going on in my food world lately.

Yesterday's breakfast:

French toast (made with Udi's bread) topped with peanut butter, sliced banana, a little Love Grown granola and a drizzle of maple syrup. 

Some other recent meals:

Mixed greens salad with baked sweet potato, homemade croutons and a fried egg topped with sriracha. 

 Kale, tomatoes, baked sweet potato, black olives, basil, cilantro, scrambled eggs, hummus and a little bit of barbecue sauce. Awesome flavor combinations going on with this one! 

I have a few products that I have been meaning to review but I'm not going to do it today. So, stay tuned for a couple product reviews coming within the next few days or so. 

And stay tuned for some recipes coming soon as well!

 I just want to send out a mass message of love and gratitude to all my friends and readers. And I also wanted to say HI to all my bloggy friends who I have not been in communication with lately. I have been reading a few of my favorite blogs here and there, but I have not had the time to comment as freely as I would like. So, I just hope that all my blog friends know how much I love and appreciate you and how much you totally inspire me. Eventually, as summer comes to an end, I will become a little more grounded and present and I'll have more time to delve back into the blogosphere. 

In one of my recent posts, I ended with a short message about LOVING YOURSELF. Since then, I have come across a couple beautiful blog posts with essentially the same message that have really resonated with me. Natalie's Love Yourself Where You're At and Ari's I.Love.Me. I love that this over-all message seems to keep reappearing in my life. I want to help spread that message too, so LOVE YOURSELF, beautiful beings! You are truly perfect just the way you are. <3

I want to close with something that came to me as I was ending my yoga practice and relaxing in savasana. It was kind of like my higher self speaking to myself or the universe delivering a message to my through my heart. Whatever it was, I just want to share.

that you are held by the universe
that when you step forward into the unknown 
you will land with grace and ease
and have a little certainty in your step
that you will ALWAYS end up
right where you need to be <3