Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day Recap and Happy Anniversary to me and Woody!

Good morning and Happy Monday! I hope you all had a beautiful, amazing May Day whether you celebrated Beltane or not. I had such a wonderful, magical day! It began with cuddling in bed with my sweet man, followed by pancakes for breakfast. Chocolate Chip Pancakes, no less :-)

Topped with bananas and blueberries.

And peanut butter maple sauce. (Peanut Butter, coconut milk and maple syrup.)

It definitely seemed like an appropriate breakfast for May Day and the two-year anniversary of my first date with Woody :-)

After breakfast, Woody and I got all dressed up in our fancy May Day/Anniversary attire.

YAY! Happy Anniversary to me and Woody! <3

After our little "photo shoot", we headed to the Famer's Market in Sebastopol and bought some strawberries and greens. Even though we were planning on doing our annual hike, we thought we'd stop by our friend's house first, where an authentic Beltane celebration was taking place, complete with May Pole, fire and feasting. We actually arrived just in time for the May Pole dance and it was so beautiful! I wish I had pictures. It was so sweet and joyous and magical. After the May Pole, we set our intentions and leaped over the fire. Then we stayed for the feast. Finally we left and made it to Willow Creek for our hike. It was so beautiful, sunny and warm. Absolutely perfect! We hiked for a couple hours and then came home and relaxed for the rest of the evening. It was a prefect day :-)

As promised in my last post, I'll get back to food stuff now ;-)


Recent eats!

Lots of salads with tons of toppings and drippy eggs :-) Mmmm :-)

And some chocolatey treats too, of course.

These are Cupcake Kat's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Latte Muffins (I just discovered this blog and I LOVE this girl. She's got some awesome, yummy recipes. This is the first one I tried out. I can't wait to try more!)

Awww these are so good! I basically followed Kat's recipe, except I used Pamela's Gluten Free Baking Mix instead of wheat flour and I used maple syrup instead of sugar. I also somehow accidently forgot to add the oil! I was going to use coconut oil instead of vegetable oil. Even though I forgot to put it in, the muffins were still incredibly moist and delicious! I think it's because Pamela's baking mix is magical. Almost every recipe I have ever made with it has worked out and been awesome. Oh, I also added chocolate chips to the recipe. Yum!

Well, I guess that's all I have for you for now. I wish you all a beautiful, blessed monday and a wonderful transition into a new week!

Much love,
Alaina Rose